Strachur Community Council

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting

Held 19.30 on Wednesday 16th January 2019

Strathlachlan Memorial Hall


Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), Isabel McGladdery, Kirstie Reid, Iain Wilkie (Secretary).


Also in attendance: PS Donald MacKay and Jeff Wilson (Strachur & District Community Development Company).


1. Convener’s opening remarks:

Archie welcomed everyone to the meeting and congratulated PS MacKay on his promotion.


2. Apologies and declarations of interest:

Ceci Alderton, John Fleming, Bob Darracott, Cllr Gordon Blair, Cllr Yvonne McNeilly and Cllr Alan Reid apologised for non-attendance.

There were no declarations of interest.


3. Minutes.

Minutes for the Ordinary Meeting held on 12th December 2018 were agreed as accurate.


4. Matters arising.

a. Strachur church boundary wall: update on survey of integrity of wall.

Cllr Reid had forwarded the following response from Amenity Services: “Following inspection by Facility Service, there has been no significant issues noted. Movement in any walls are of historic nature. There are no plans to remove any trees at this time.”

b. Pavement adjacent to A815 from A886 junction to Medical Practice: encroachment of vegetation.

Cllr Reid had forwarded the following response from Amenity Services: “We haven't had any feedback from property owners, but we have noticed that there has been parts cut back by hand. We can confirm that there is now nothing obstructing the footway.”


c. B8000: verges between Inver Restaurant and Inverchapel.

Cllr Reid had been informed by Roads that “Due to staff shortages and on annual leave we have been unable to carry out a full cut within this area, although we will monitor and cut back any safety issues.” [Update, 18th January: Cllr Reid forwarded the following comment from Roads: “Following inspection numerous sites have been identified. We shall be programming works for when resources become available – we are proposing to have these works completed by the end of the financial year.”]


d. Old road from the school to Glenbranter: overgrown trees and flooding.

Cllr Reid had been informed that an inspection would be carried out by 11th January. He had asked for the outcome of the inspection, but was told that the engineer was on holiday until 17th January, and that no decision could be be made until then.

  ACTION: Cllrs Blair/McNeilly/Reid


e. Speed limit on A815 through Strachur.

It was previously agreed that we would take no further action until we had received a response from the Local Traffic & Development Officer to our comments on the tight bend and crossing point near the A886 junction. Iain had e-mailed a reminder to Stuart Watson (ABC Traffic and Development Manager) on 10th January and awaited a reply. If necessary, a further reminder would be sent.



f. Article on home security advice for Newsletter.

Iain had submitted an article for the January Newsletter.


g. Core Paths Plan.

Bob Darracott had enquired about this and had been informed by Guy Keating (National Park Recreation and Access Advisor) that a printed document (including maps) would be located at the FCS Glenbranter office for community viewing.


h. Kilmorie graveyard: update.

Iain had visited the graveyard on the morning of 16th January and could see no change from the previous visit (14th November), i.e. no evidence of flooding or waterlogging.


i. VMS sign at A815/A886 junction.

The display board was now facing in the right direction (south) and fixed in position.


j. Sourcing of Christmas tree.

Archie reported that the Youth & Drama Club hoped to plant a tree, subject to approval by the Development Company.


5. Police Report.

Since the last meeting on the 12th December there were 14 incidents. Four of these were crimes recorded, including:

Overnight on the 11th December there was a theft of two excavator buckets from the layby near to Invernoaden Farm, owned by Ardent Solutions.

A female driver was reported for driving without insurance.

Following the New Year party at the Memorial Hall, two males were reported to the Procurator Fiscal for engaging in a stand-up fight.

Between the 1st and 8th January fencing and seating was damaged at Heron Park - enquiries ongoing.


There was a successful capture of thieves who had stolen lead and copper from a dwelling house near to Ballochyle Farm, Dalinlongart on the 6th January. This was following a member response to a Rural Watch Alert that PS MacKay had sent out - evidencing the capability of the system. It would be appreciated if we could continue to promote the sign up for Alerts at and spread.


A five-month multi-agency campaign to highlight the reality of livestock attacks and trauma by dogs was launched on the January 8th at Penicuik House, Penicuik Estate, Midlothian by the Scottish Partnership Against Rural Crime (SPARC). The aim of the campaign - "Your Dog - Your Responsibility” is to ensure dog owners understand the distressing nature as well as emotional and financial impacts such incidents can have, not just on farmers but everyone having to deal with the aftermath. Any incidents in the area will be dealt with robustly.


6. Health Report (Kirstie Reid).

a. LPG meetings.

The November meeting was cancelled and January's meeting has not been called yet. I raised the following issues with Stephen Whitson (Head of Planning & Performance, Argyll & Bute Health & Social Care Partnership), which he will bring up at his next meeting with NHSGGC

1. Patients getting early appointment times in Glasgow, which on some occasions means they have to arrange an overnight stay.

2. Twenty week wait for an appointment to see a consultant after diagnostic tests indicated treatment is required.

3. Comment to a patient from a consultant at Gartnavel Hospital: "You people from NHS Highland should remember we in NHSGGC don't have to treat you BUT do it as a favour".

4. Another case of a referral disappearing and the patient being told to go back to their GP for a re-referral.

5. Patient with an appointment at a Scottish Government-funded extra Saturday clinic at RAH who was told by the consultant "Sorry you can't get your treatment; they don't employ nursing staff at weekend clinics; you will need to come back on a weekday"


b. A&B HSCP 'Transforming Together. Draft Strategic Plan 2019/20 - 2021/22' was put on the website on 31st December for comments to be sent back by 11th February. 


7. Secretary’s Report.

Since the last meeting one article (on Home Security Advice) had been submitted to the Newsletter.


There had been correspondence with Argyll & Bute Council regarding:

a. The Court of Session ruling that Connel CC could be sued following an incident where a member of the public fell on steps whose previous repair had been organised by the CC and which had subsequently fallen into disrepair. ABC had provided reassurance that individual Community Councillors could not be subjected to Court Action and therefore there could be no personal liability. However, in our view the ruling implied that, if CCs organised works like this, whether formally or informally, and whether payment was involved or not, they were thereafter and in perpetuity responsible for the maintenance of such works and that this responsibility would be ‘inherited’ by succeeding cohorts of Community Councillors.

b. Complaints from a local resident about various littering issues, viz. the migration into the bushes of the rubbish bin at the post-office lay-by; increased litter in the ditch on the landward side of the A815 north of the A886 junction; bottles left outside the bottle bins at the recycling point. All three issues appeared to have been addressed.


Iain had attended the formal rededication of the Lauder Memorial on 28th December.


The January meeting of the Cowal Out of Hours Review Group had been postponed pending the outcome of the IJB meeting on 30th January at which a report on the Quality & Finance Plan, which includes the Cowal OOH review, would be discussed.


8. Treasurer’s report.

The bank balance stood at £1,833.43.


9. Transport update.

Archie summarised some of the proceedings of the last meeting of Cowal Transport Forum (17th December 2018).

a. Road safety concerns regarding deer on the carriageways.

It was suggested that these concerns be raised with the Deer Action Group, which was in talks with landowners about reducing deer numbers in the area.

b. VMS signs.

Transport Scotland would be asked to explain why the signs were not operational during the latest closure of the A815.

c. Traffic Regulation Order - Dunoon Pier.

Objections to the proposed TRO were still being processed. Plans for the mustering area to be formalised into a car park could not be realised until the TRO was in place and plans for the passenger ferry service had been clarified.

d. Timber transport on B8000.

Kilfinan CC had raised concerns about lorries not adhering to various aspects of the Timber Transport Management Plan and causing damage to the carriageway and adjacent walls.

e. Cowal Games buses.

In response to a complaint from Archie about cancellation of the Dunoon-Glendaruel bus during the 2018 Cowal Games weekend, which had left Strachur residents stranded in Dunoon, Martin Arnold (ABC Community Transport Officer) agreed to write to West Coast Motors to seek assurance that the late bus would run to Strachur this year on Cowal Games Saturday.


10. Public Engagement.

There was nothing to report.


11. A.O.B.

a. Dog fouling and litter in Heron Park.

Jeff Wilson reported that there had been a marked increase in dog-fouling in Heron Park. There was a need to raise public awareness about this problem and to that end an article had been submitted to the Newsletter. There had also been an increase in the amount of litter left in the park.


b. Bridge at Lephinchapel.

Jeff Wilson reported that the barrier had still not been replaced at the B8000 Lephinchapel bridge. It was agreed that Iain should contact ABC about this.



c. Glensluain Forest scoping consultation.

Iain reminded CCllrs to send him any comments on this by 19th January, after which he would send a response to Tilhill Forestry.



d. CC funding.

Iain had received an e-mail from Melissa Stewart (ABC), which reminded CCs that they had to make a formal request for funding by 31st March. Iain had not been aware of this and had not done so in 2018. Although he had now made a formal request, he would seek clarification from Ms Stewart.



e. Damage to Tom nan Clach cup-and-ring-marked rock.

Iain explained that the Tom nan Clach cup-and-ring-marked rock in Ardchyline Estate had been seriously damaged by timber extraction operations over a year ago, despite it being a legally protected scheduled monument and despite 'Scottish Woodlands' having specified control measures to protect it in the 'Ardchyline Forest Scoping Report' (2013). There was a danger that it would be further damaged during future forestry operations, such as brash removal and replanting. After discussion it was agreed that Iain should communicate these concerns to 'Scottish Woodlands'.



12. Date and location of next meeting.

The next meeting would be at 19:30, Wednesday 13th March 2019 in Strachur Memorial Hall.



Iain Wilkie

Secretary, Strachur Community Council