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Please contact Frieda Bos for any questions that aren't answered here.

Checking availability and booking

How do I check availability?
How do I make/change/amend a booking?
Checking bookings How do I check the bookings for my organisation?
How do I get a detailed overview of my bookings?
Miscellaneous I get a page where I am asked to log in.

How do I check availability?

Go to the month you are looking for, either by:

To see details of bookings for a specific hall for a certain month:

To see details of bookings/hall for a certain date:


How do I make/change/amend a booking?

Contact the booking officer Pam Hall either by email: or by phone: 07768 463563 Top

How do I check the bookings for my organisation?

Type the name of your organisation in the search box and click on search. Top

How do I get a detailed overview of my bookings?

  1. Click on Report.
  2. Select the start and end date of period you want a detailed overview about.
  3. Type the name of your organisation in the box behind 'Match name'.
  4. Click on 'Run Report'.
  5. Scroll down to see the detailed overview of your bookings.

I get a page where I am asked to log in.

You are trying to enter the secured part of the booking system. Only the booking officercan log in and add/change/amend bookings. Top