Strachur District Community Council - Minutes of General Meeting

Held on 27th November 2013, Strathlachlan Community Centre

  1. Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), John Fleming (Vice Convener), Isabel McGladdery (Treasurer), Jean Donaldson and Les Earle (Secretary).

Also in attendance, Cllr Alex McNaughton and six members of the public.


  1. Apologies: None.

  1. Declarations of interest: None.

  1. Minutes: Minutes for the meeting held on 16th October 2013 were adopted as accurate.

  1. Matters arising:

  1. The wall around the church is still in need of repair. It is uncertain as to who has responsibility, Church or Council? Cllr McNaughton is to follow-up.

  2. Further concerns on recycling were raised. Two uplifts in St Catherines were missed and despite initial fears of a reduced service it transpired that the lorry had broken down. (See below for further on recycling.)

  3. Archie reported on the inaugural meeting of the new Community Council (CC) held on 13/11/13, Strachur Memorial Hall.

  4. The CC gratefully accepted Heather Grier’s willingness to continue reporting on local health matters.

  1. The Surgery has set up a Patient Participation Group (PPG) of 12 members from over our district. At the first meeting they agreed to enter into consultation with other PPG’s to establish best practise. Names of the members will be published later.

  2. Out of hours – negotiations continue with a further offer to be put to GP’s in the first week in December.

  3. In-patient care, a brief survey disclosed general satisfaction amongst patients.

  4. The Scottish Government has issued a white paper, Health and Social Care Integration. As yet there is no agreed strategy locally.

  5. Re-shaping care for elders – the NHS and Argyll+Bute Council (A+B) are to hold a public meeting 6/12/13, at the Queen’s Hall, 18.30.

  6. Iain MacGregor raised topics touched on at an NHS meeting on 29/10/13. First was the case of ambulances and address/postcode confusion, Derek Leslie, NHS, had promised to send information to the Secretary of the CC (none received). Second, was the suggestion that proposed whistleblowing code of conduct be fully notified to NHS staff. Heather Grier offered to chase-up and report.


  1. Police report: Again there was neither a police officer nor a written report. Archie agreed to contact the police to remind them to fulfil their oft made promise.

  1. Secretary’s report: Given by Archie as retiring Secretary.

  1. The Remembrance ceremony organised by the Community Council at Strachur Memorial Hall was well-attended and much appreciated.

  2. The continuing problem of geographically nonsensical postcodes is now to be led by A+B and Archie is collecting data and examples to support the case.

  3. Loch Fyne - Marine Protection Zone (the Scottish Government’s consultation). Archie has made the representations formerly agreed and he is to liaise with Crawford Grier who is co-ordinating a wider range of responses. A+B are meeting 28/11/13 to consider its own submission, Cllr McNaughton says that there is resistance from the southern reaches of the Loch to the Zone.

  4. The CC bench at the church is to be removed for repair and the CC noticeboard at the Post Office is also due for a makeover (ie. new hinges).


  1. Treasurer’s report: Since the last report £58 had been spent on hall rental and photocopying for the Remembrance ceremony leaving a balance of £2,180. This year’s admin grant had been overlooked/missed and fresh a fresh submission would be made to A+B (approx. £400).


  1. The Emergency Plan: Last year’s severe weather (particularly on Bute and Arran) reminded A+B of the desirability of local Emergency Plans (EP’s) and as a consequence all CC’s are being encouraged to draft their own, local EP’s. The aim is to nominate focal points for the gathering of resources and having back-up lines of communication for the more vulnerable members of the community. Jean Donaldson is to lead on this project and she will be advertising (eg. newsletter) for ideas/resources to draft an EP.


  1. Any other business:

  1. Transport Meeting (next due 3/12/13), Cllr McNaughton reported on his continuing efforts to emphasise that Strachur is missing out, when compared to other districts, on early Saturday and late evening buses. Similarly the ferry service from Dunoon continues to be unsatisfactory. Also discussed was the inadequacy of the white lining on Loch Eck side while the off-side reflective posts were positively dazzling. Disappointment was expressed by a member of the public at the lost opportunity during recent works to widen the bridge at Coire Ealt to reduce the angle of approach, particularly critical for log-lorries and coaches.

  2. Graham Thomas reiterated an earlier offer to compose a directory of house names as against OS map coordinates because of continued problems experienced by residents both as to deliveries and the emergency services. It seems that A+B will not/cannot release the data it holds. Archie said he would raise the matter with Shirley McLeod at A+B.

  3. The hotel at St Catherines continues to deteriorate and is widely regarded as an eyesore. Cllr McNaughton said that the matter had been discussed at A+B but, simply put, nothing can be done unless the building becomes positively dangerous. It is not apparent that the owner has any plans for the site.

  4. Recycling, a member of the public raised doubts as to the efficacy of A+B moving to co-mingling of rubbish for recycling as EU regulations might be coming into force to ban this. Cllr McNaughton noted the comments. In a general discussion it became apparent that different collection routines applied to different areas within the Community both as to timing and extent. It was suggested that we, individually, ask the collectors and compare notes.

  5. Iain McGregor raised the following outstanding points:

i.    Strathlachlan roadsigns, there is as yet no indication as to when the signs will be commissioned/installed (first raised at CC meeting on 10/3/10).

ii.   Roadside ditch on Strathlachlan Hall brae (first raised Jan 2012).

iii.    Newton road end, dangerous culvert (first raised at CC 13/6/12).

iv. Strachur headtank Japanese knotweed infestation (first raised at CC10/10/12, but taken up with Scottish Water since at least 2010).

  1. Date of next meeting: 22nd January, 2014, Strachur Memorial Hall