Strachur Hall Committee

Annual General Meeting and Quarterly Meeting

Combined Minutes

Sunday 29 October 2017



Executive: Patrick Gibb(PG – secretary and acting chair), Evie Campbell (EC - Bookings), Douglas McHugh (DM – Treasurer) Sheena Dowse (Events)

Group representatives: Drew Stewart (DS), Ian Asher, Tom Peebles, Cathie Montgomery, Les Earle, Teresa Hunt-Earle , Anne Craig, Margaret Asher, Catherine Harrison, Frieda Bos (FB),

Apologies: Gordon Neish, Jackie Scott-Mandeville, Alison Roy, Robert Mackenzie


Previous Minutes: Minutes from AGM of October 2016 and Quarterly Meeting July 2017 were accepted unanimously without changes


Acting Chair’s Report.

It has been another busy and successful year.

Clare Brathmere was a very energetic Chair who achieved a lot in clarifying and documenting the workings of the hall. Unfortunately Clare left the role of Chair at the end of September in preparation for her move to Wales. The committee expressed their gratitude to CB for her work and wished her all the best for the future.

One important negative to note was the near-miss accident after the Lauder show. A projector screen with metal support had been left taped up to a pole above the stage. The screen subsequently fell down while children were present in the hall, causing alarm but no injury. This is a reminder that any group using the hall must make sure that everything is tidied up and left safe.


Treasurer’s Report

DM presented the Financial Accounts for the year to 30 June 2017. This is the annual report that goes to OSCR. The report was circulated electronically and printed copies were available at the meeting.

Total receipts for the year were £22,715 with expenditure of £21,446 leaving a surplus of £1,2269.39. Reserves at 30 June were £14,908

DM expressed thanks to Iain Harding who acted as pro bono examiner of the accounts.

The report was accepted unanimously by the committee and will be submitted to OSCR.

The committee was grateful to DM and Iain Harding for their contribution.


Bookings Report

EC present the Booking Officer’s report. There were a total of 1,114 bookings, which is up from the previous year. Electronic billing is now largely in place and has made the process less onerous. Bookers are reminded that they should check availability on the website before requesting a booking. Regular bookers are reminded that they should make their bookings for the year ahead or risk finding that the slots have been booked by someone else.

The committee thanked EC for her vital contribution to the working of the hall.


Newsletter report

DS reported that the Newsletter was continuing to be produced without problems. Printing costs were rising, but overall the expected receipts from the newsletter continued to exceed the costs. Most of the newsletter income comes from advertising.

DS has recently retired and had considered giving up the newsletter. He has decided to continue with the newsletter, but would like to take a one-month break in March/April next year. There will probably be a single edition to cover March and April.

There was discussion of the cover price, but it was decided to leave it at 30p, noting that many people pay more than that.

The committee thanked DS for his work which contributes greatly to the life of the community.


Website Report

FB described how the website received 1500 hits per month, which indicates that it is being well used. She drew attention to the calendar on the website which she updates with information from the newsletter and other sources. It was suggested that FB might write a note for the Newsletter to further raise awareness of the website.

The committee expressed thanks to FB for her work in maintaining the website.


Appointment of Executive members

No nominations had been received before the meeting for the post of Secretary or Chair, despite requests in the newsletter and several discussions with individuals. PG indicated that her would be willing to continue as Secretary or Chair, but someone else was need to fill the other post.

SD said that Alison Roy (AR) would be willing to be secretary from the beginning of 2018. The committee welcomed this offer and unanimously approved as secretary.

There was discussion of the length of time that anyone should be in the post of Chair. It was recognised that this role was particularly ill defined with an expectation that the chair would step in to resolve unforeseen problems or many kinds. It was suggested that no-one should be expected to do more than 2 years as chair, and this idea was unanimously agreed.

The other members of the Executive had indicated that they were willing to continue in post. Thus the proposed Executive group for 2016-17

Chair: Patrick Gibb; Secretary (from January 2018) Alison Roy; Treasurer Douglas McHugh; Bookings Officer Evie Campbell; Events Organisers Sheena Dowse and Gordon Neish.

This executive group was agreed unanimously by the assemble committee.

[Alison Roy subsequently confirmed to PG that she was willing to be Secretary from January 2018. She is not able to manage Sunday meetings however, so a new slot will have to be agreed.]


Action tracker and standing items

There was a limited discussion of other items as outline in the action tracker and below.


Fire Safety, Health & Safety.

Portable Appliances, kitchen equipment and perimeter lighting all due electrical testing. It was agreed to ask Alistair Mirrlees to do this. (Action PG)


Data Protection (Autumn QGM Only). The CCTV password given to PG does not work. Clare Brathmere has been asked to check it. Currently therefore CCTV recordings are being stored for 30 days but recordings cannot be accessed.


New Items

Clean up around the sheds:

EC suggested ask someone to take away the old wooden tables lying between the sheds. This was agreed. Action – PG to ask Neil McKechnie.

Dates of Future Meeting: QGMs for 2018: dates to be set once day-of-week has been agreed.